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Introducing: Bandcamp genre tabs.

January 11, 2023.


Since I dabble in different genres and intend to keep releasing music of varying styles, I have decided to organize my Bandcamp discography page and group my releases using a specific set of images; so called "tabs", which have a unique look and are easy to tell apart from my music releases.

The tabs look like this:

Thus, the latest release (regardless of its music style) will always be located first, at the top of the discography page, followed by alphabetically listed tabs with the relevant releases attached to them.

The tab and arrow indicates where the grouping begins, although do note that the tabs themselves are NOT a release of any kind and therefore doesn't contain any music. They are simply meant to indicate a music grouping on my Bandcamp discography page, nothing more.

My apologies if this sorting system is somewhat confusing, but Bandcamp doesn't have any kind of built-in genre sorting systems other than keyword tags, so I had to improvise and make a simple sorting system of my own using what few features are available.


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